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Fishing Report 7-13-24 – Porgy Fishing Remains Solid

It’s been hot, but the porgy have not been staying indoors to keep cool. They’ve been out biting. Lots of action with both keepers and shorts, with guests taking home a lot of pretty tasty fish that’ll last them several days. It’s been great.

You can see a few photos from the outing:

This is peak season for us at Marilyn Jean, as we’re headed out to the water pretty much all day, every day:

  • **Trip 1:** 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • **Trip 2:** 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
  • **Trip 3:** 7:30 PM to 12:30 AM

There’s no excuse not to make it as you’re going to find a trip that fits your schedule. Don’t forget that we also have **********air conditioned cabins********** so you can be sure that you’re going to stay cool even when it’s hot out. Let’s see you at our next outing. Call or text Capt. Anthony at 347-952-1442 to get tickets, or buy them right here on the site. Walk-ons are also always welcome as long as we have space.

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Fishing Report 7-1-2024 – Porgy For Everyone

We took a group out on July 1st for Porgy fishing and it was an unquestionable success. Every single guest that we have that went fishing came home with dinner. We’ve had a lot of successful outings recently but this was definitely one of the best, especially for our morning trips. Porgies are biting like crazy right now. Here are some photos from our day:

Everyone also had a great time out on the water. While our weather is looking a little funky right now, we can pretty much guarantee that you’re going to have a good time. Come join us next time! We can take walk ons most of the time as long as there is room on the boat, or you can call Captain Anthony at 347-952-1442 to get your spot!

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Fishing Report 5-21 – Outstanding Fluke Fishing

“It’s not a fluke!” Has anyone made that joke before? Probably. But wow, the fluke fishing recent has been some of the best in a long time. Our guests have been getting keepers on *every* trip. Take a look at some of the photos from these morning outings:


“But what about the night fishing?” You may ask. We’ve been having some great nights there as well, catching bluefish and bass in large numbers. Takea  look at some of these night fishing photos:

We are fishing *every morning* and *every night* which means there are plenty of chances for you to come join us. But don’t wait! You never know what the next outing may bring, and right now the fish are being caught in large numbers.

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Fishing Report 5-12 – Mothers Day Catches

We went out on the water yesterday for Mother’s Day. There were fewer guests than normal spending time with their mothers all around New York, but we still had a decent number of guests out on the water, and let’s just say they were REWARDED.

Not sure if the fish knew it was mother’s day or not, but our guests caught a LOT of fish, and there were more out there for the taking had more people come along on the trip. Take a look at some of the photos.

We are still heading out every night from 7:30pm to 12:30am for bass and blues, and we are also heading out every morning as well, so there’s something for everyone at Marilyn Jean. Book your trip, today!

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Fishing Report: April 25, 2024 – Excellent Fishing for the Guests

This whole week has been filled with some excellent fishing during the morning trips, and that continued on this morning’s trip. We went out from 7am to 3pm (which we are doing daily, for those that would like to join us) and caught a LOT of blackfish and ling. We spotted plenty of short blackfish, with some of our anglers catching home 40 (!!) shorts.

Blackfish has been in even more incredible demand. One of our guests hit the limit. Overall, an incredible morning out on the water.

Take a look at the outing:

Our 7pm to 12am trip was a little bit less successful. Earlier in the week we had a few shorts and keepers, but this evening outing wasn’t as successful. Still, there were some signs that some night fishing is about to pick up significantly, and we’re really excited to go out on the water tonight and see what’s in store.

Blackfishing season has only FOUR DAYS LEFT so come join us! Book your tickets today or call Capt. Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Capt. Tony at 646-413-1643. Private charters are also available.

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Fishing Report 4-16-24 – A Good Start, But a Rough Finish

Not every day is going to be a great one. Last night started extremely promising with immediate sightings of striped bass, with both keepers and shorts. But later in the night, as the tide shifted, things slowed down considerably. We went to multiple spots throughout the Bay and couldn’t get any more catches the remainder of the night.

We expect most nights to be better, and of course, those that were able to catch some fish early still managed to secure some delicious options for their homes. We’re headed out again tonight and every night, along with our morning blackfish and ling trips that we leave for from 7am to midnight.

Even though it wasn’t the best finish to our night, it was a good start. Check out some of the photos from the outing:

PLEASE NOTE: This Sunday’s morning trip (4/21/24) is already sold out, but almost all other trips still have space available. Secure your tickets for upcoming trips at or contact Capt. Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Capt. Tony at 646-413-1643. Private charters are also available. See you soon!

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Fishing Report 4-9-24 – Unexpected Ling

Well, that was an unexpected day out. We went out on the water hoping – and expecting – to catch blackfish. But instead, our guests came home with a huge haul of ling. Maybe not what we had originally had in mind, but, if you take a look at all the photos below, you’ll notice that our guest still seem pretty excited about the whole experience!

Take a look:

Tomorrow’s forecast is looking spectacular. Thursday and Friday a bit less so, so we’ll have to see if we can make it safely on the water, but if we can, walk ons will be welcome. Looking to join us soon? You can call Captain Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643.

See you soon!

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Fishing Report 3-31-24 – Black Fishing Was a Success!

Blackfishing is BACK! Yesterday’s opening day of Blackfishing Season went incredibly well. We saw lots of action, with both keepers and shorts getting caught with regularity by our guests. It was a great day on the water. We even caught an additional ~25 Ling on the boat!

Overall, it was a huge success. Take a look at some of the photos from the 31st:

Your turn! Come join us. We’re shipping out regularly as long as the weather is looking good (we have a few bad weather days coming up, but things should be clearing up from there) and we’d love to see you!

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Guess Who is Headed Back on the Water This Weekend!

Every year, we take a break for a month or two to clean the boat, check for safety issues, and prepare for the next season. Well, we are back from the break, our annual coast guard inspection went great, and we are headed back on the water.

We begin sailing this weekend, assuming the weather allows it, and will be out on the water from 7am to 3pm. We are going to be seeking out cod and ling.

Make sure that you’re signing up to join us as soon as possible, as we have been hearing a lot of demand to go back out on the water. We do take walk ons, but buying a ticket ensures a place. Our boat does have a limit.

Come join us! We’re excited to see you again aboard the Marilyn Jean! You can book your tickets here at or call Captain Anthony at 347 952 1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643. Don’t forget that we have private charters available as well for anyone that is ready to explore.

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Fishing Report 12-20-23 – Last Days of Blackfishing

It was a good season for blackfish this year. We had a lot of guests come home with some great catches. But, like all good things, the season is coming to an end. There are only two days left in 2023 to go blackfish fishing, so anyone that is still interested in being out on the water for blackfish should sign up for the last outings.

We’ve been out every day. Take a look at some of the catches from the past few weeks:

We’ll keep you posted about our schedule after 12/22/23, when blackfish season ends. But we’ll still be here, so make sure you follow our updates (including our Facebook page) to see what we’re catching next and how the fish are biting.

You can order your tickets right here, or you can call or text Captain Anthony at 347 952 1442 or Capt Tony at 646-413-1643.