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Fishing report 12-7-23 – Blackfishing Daily

We’ve been heading out on the water daily, and as you can see, we’re all having a good time. It’s cold, absolutely, but if you’re willing to hop on board between 7am and 3pm, you can get a LOT of blackfish. Check out some of the photos from today’s outing:


You have to come and get out on the water with us. We also have private charters available for you and your friends and family if you want to schedule a specific time or get the boat all to your friends. Call or text Captain Anthony at 347 952 1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643

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Fishing Report 11-12-23 – Much Better Blackfishing

*Much* better blackfishing today. The season has been going strong, but it’s been relatively average, with a lot of guests making catches but not going home with an excess or reaching the boat limit. This time, we had a lot better success, with a lot of our guests coming home with some really great blackfish:

Pretty good!

Come join us next time. We’re sailing out every morning and most evenings Thursday to Sunday.

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Fishing Report 11-11-23 – Blackfish and Striped Bass Continue

The past few trips have been pretty decent. We have been catching quite a few blackfish and successfully jigging up some striped bass. Not a bad haul at all. The weather is getting colder, which can be great for catching seasonal fish but make sure you wrap up because it can get chilly on the water. Here are some photos from the 11th:

There is plenty of room to join us on our large boat. We are currently sailing 7am to 3pm every day for Blackfish and other fish, and then 7pm to 12am for striped bass Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. You can book tickets right here or call/text us to get onboard. Don’t forget that private charters are available, too!

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Fishing Report 11/7/23 – Blackfishing and Bass

Fishing has been good, recently. Very good. Yesterday morning we went out and hit the limit for the boat with striped bass fishing. We had to circle around to do more blackfishing, just to keep ourselves busy out on the water. It was a really good catch and continuation of what we’ve been seeing over the course of this new season. Take a look at some of these bad boys:

Note that our schedule is changed. We are out on the water *EVERY DAY* from 7am to 3pm and 7pm to midnight. Typically we go out for striped bass at night and blackfishing in the morning. If you’re ready to go out on the water with us one of these days, call Captain Anthony at 347 952 1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643. You can buy tickets right here on the website or call/text us and we’ll help you figure out what boat is best for you. Don’t forget that we have private charters available, too!

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Fishing Report 10-27-23

We went out on the water last night for our 7pm to 12am striped bass trip – a trip that we’re doing daily now that we’re in the new season. Most of the night we had no drift. But when we finally did have a drift, we did see some bass. We had 3 total keepers, and a bunch of overs and shorts that were safely released. Check out the size of some of these bass that our guests caught:

We expect it to pick up a lot more soon, because we’ve seen plenty of striped bass over the course of the expiditions. We are sailing every day for blackfish from 7am to 3pm and striped bass 7pm to 12am. Come book your ticket and see what we have available.


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Fishing Report 10-17-23 – Full Boat Blackfish

We went out on the water this morning for our 7am to 3pm trip. This is one of our first blackfish season outings, as we’ve been catching almost entirely Porgies for the past several months. The result was amazing. We hit our full boat limit of blackfish up to 6lbs. Check out some photos from the day:

Those are going to taste great for a long, long time. Even if you’ve been with us lately, come join us again for blackfish season. Call Captain Anthony at 347 952 1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643


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Fishing Report 10-1-2023 – Late Start But Amazing Catches


We assumed today would be a good day on the water, but our morning outing started off poorly. Our planned fishing spots were not biting the way we expected, so we had to find a new location on Sheapshead Bay to see if we could catch more.

It took a bit of time, but when we finally found a better spot, the fishing were biting. We ended up having a great morning, with lots of catches, and not just the porgy which have been the most common fish on the hook recently. Check out some of these photos:

Strongly discourage you from touching a smooth puffer fish if you catch one in the future. You can see him holding it away from himself, safely. But our guests generally caught some really delicious catches, and we’re excited for you to come and take home some fresh fish of your own.

We are currently sailing 7am to 3pm Tuesday through Friday, with half-day fishing Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm. We’re also on the water *every night* from 7:30pm to 12:30am. Make sure you come join us soon!

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Fishing Report 9-27-23 – Catching the Jumbo Porgies

We’re already on the cusp of October, and this has already been a surprising year with how frequently and how long we’ve been catching these huge porgies this season. They’re biting in large numbers, with some of our guests taking home 10+ for what amounts to probably months and months of food.

Don’t forget, Porgy still tastes DELICIOUS even when it’s been frozen,  so don’t be afraid to eat these for months:

Come on down and book your ticket with Marilyn Jean Fishing. You’re able to order your tickets right here on our website, or you can call or text Captain Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643. Private charters are also available. Come down soon while the jumbo porgy are still on the hook.

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Fishing Report 9-17-23 – Night Fishing Has Been Good to Us

We’ve had to cancel some day trips due to weather, but going out at night we’ve had some pretty amazing catches. Check out these photos of some of the porgy that our guests caught in our night fishing trip on September 17th:

Porgies have been really biting for some of the people that join us on our 7:30pm to 12:30am trips. While we wish we were able to do more of the day trips, people are bringing home some really special catches during these nights out. If you joined us, don’t forget to freeze the ones you won’t be eating this week so you can have some delicious meals for the next several months.

Join us on one of our night fishing trips or watch our Facebook to see when the weather is good enough for us to start day fishing again.

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Fishing Report Monday, 8/14/23 – A Great Day for Porgies

Our 8 AM trip on Marlyn Jean IV got off to a fantastic start with lots of jumbo porgies caught. It was a lively and successful outing that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Our nighttime trip was just as successful. The porgies have really been biting recently. You can find some photos from yesterday, below.

We have more trips scheduled for the rest of the week. On Thursday and Friday, full-day trips are planned from 7 AM to 3 PM. In addition, we are offering nightly excursions every evening from 7:30 PM to 12:30 AM.

For those interested in booking tickets, they can be obtained at or by calling Captain Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643.

Join us at Sheepshead Bay for more fishing adventures.