One of the best bottom feeding fish in New York City is the lingcod. Its long body, with a dorsal fin that spans the entire length, and rows of razor blade sharp teeth make it an interesting looking fish while its firm and flaky flesh is ideal for eating.
When you have a chance to get out on a boat for deep sea lingcod fishing in NYC, here are the equipment and tips you will need to successfully hook some of the most impressive lingcod in local waters.
Equipment for Lingcod Fishing
Many rods and reels will work well for ling fish and experienced anglers will have their own preferences. General advice is that you should use a spinning rod and reel if you are going to be casting swim baits and a bait caster for live bait.
For tackle, you should use a braided line that is at least 30 lbs, similar to most bottom fishing. This has a good balance of being strong enough to handle the rocky conditions for bottom fishing, but thin enough that you can break it off if the line does get trapped.
The next consideration is bait. Lingcod will respond well to both live bait and plastic swim baits. For live bait, mackerel and rockfish are a favorite of lingcod. Frozen squid and dead herring will also work. Whatever you decide to use for your bait, do not be afraid to have large bait with lingcod. This is a fierce fish that can get some impressively large baits in its mouth.
Tips for Hooking Lingcod
With your gear assembled, these techniques will help you out on the water to successfully catch lingcod:
- Find a Good Spot – Do your research or go with an experienced party boat who knows where fish can be found. Early morning is often the best time to catch lingcod, although they are active throughout most of the day.
- Cast Your Line – For bottom fishing using live bait, let your line drop slowly to the bottom. If you are using a swim bait, you can cast it near the side of the boat.
- Reeling In – When they bite, lingcod will often hold the bait in a death grip but not be attached to the hook. This affects your retrieval strategy. When you get a bite, go slowly and steadily to avoid having the lingcod release the bait. Keep your net ready on the boat before the lingcod is out of the water and continue to move slowly to avoid startling it until you have the fish secure.
As you take the fish off of the hook, be careful of those sharp teeth to avoid getting cut. After you have gone home with your catch, keep in mind that this is a fish that needs to be eaten quickly for best quality.
If you are looking to try out lingcod fishing in NYC, Marilyn Jean Fishing offers party boat fishing trips that will put you at the center of the action for lingcod, provide high quality live bait and offer, and offer personalized tips to help you catch an impressive array of lingcod. See our upcoming trips on our online calendar.