Fishing Report Monday, 8/14/23 – A Great Day for Porgies

Our 8 AM trip on Marlyn Jean IV got off to a fantastic start with lots of jumbo porgies caught. It was a lively and successful outing that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Our nighttime trip was just as successful. The porgies have really been biting recently. You can find some photos from yesterday, below.

We have more trips scheduled for the rest of the week. On Thursday and Friday, full-day trips are planned from 7 AM to 3 PM. In addition, we are offering nightly excursions every evening from 7:30 PM to 12:30 AM.

For those interested in booking tickets, they can be obtained at or by calling Captain Anthony at 347-952-1442 or Captain Tony at 646-413-1643.

Join us at Sheepshead Bay for more fishing adventures.

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