We assumed today would be a good day on the water, but our morning outing started off poorly. Our planned fishing spots were not biting the way we expected, so we had to find a new location on Sheapshead Bay to see if we could catch more.
It took a bit of time, but when we finally found a better spot, the fishing were biting. We ended up having a great morning, with lots of catches, and not just the porgy which have been the most common fish on the hook recently. Check out some of these photos:

Strongly discourage you from touching a smooth puffer fish if you catch one in the future. You can see him holding it away from himself, safely. But our guests generally caught some really delicious catches, and we’re excited for you to come and take home some fresh fish of your own.
We are currently sailing 7am to 3pm Tuesday through Friday, with half-day fishing Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm. We’re also on the water *every night* from 7:30pm to 12:30am. Make sure you come join us soon!