Choosing the Right Time and Place to Fish for Striped Bass

Striped bass make for an exciting fishing trip and an impressive haul, but they can be tricky to find off the coast of New York since striper stocks have dwindled somewhat. Knowing what environments stripers are attracted to is important for finding the local hotspots when you set out on a fish fishing excursion.\

The height of striper season in New York and New Jersey occurs in the spring and fall, but if you are fishing in the right locations, striped bass can be present all year long. Here is how to find them.

Striper Fishing Spots Around NYC

Starting in early April, stripers migrate from their southern habitats to cooler water in the north. During this time, stripers are traveling in large schools and feeding extensively which can make for a strong catch.

When you are considering where to go striper fishing, remember these important facts about striped bass:

  • Refer to the Calendar – In the height of summer, stripers move further out to take advantage of cooler deep water. Fishing for stripers in the summer will often require a boat to get you out to their location. Fall and spring striper fishing can be done from a boat or shore.
  • Follow the Current – Striped bass thrive in heavy currents. Places where there is whit and other strong currents are more likely to have striped bass living in them. Additionally, near new and full moons when tides are the strongest, resulting in strong water currents, are an ideal time for bass fishing.
  • Look for Structures – When not hunting food in open water, bass congregate around structures in their environment. Near shore, this can include piers, docks, bridges, and jetties. In deep water, reefs and shipwrecks are common spots for striped bass.

Although these are general standards for striped bass, these fish are also incredibly opportunistic. When they see a chance for potential food, they will often take it, making it possible to find striped bass at unusual times and in unexpected places. The most successful striper anglers are prepared to catch striped bass at a variety of different times and adjust their approach as needed.

For deep water bass fishing in New York, the Marilyn Jean is the best way you get out to the waters where striped bass are present. Our expert captain and up to date knowledge can take you to local striped bass fishing hotspots. See what upcoming striped bass fishing trips we have available and book your ticket today.

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