Blackfishing Daily & Full Moon Stripers 8pm 11/23 & 24

Blackfishing has been from good to slow depending on the day.  We missed quite a few trips in the last couple of weeks due to the weather.  It seems to take the fish a couple of days to start biting again after a good storm.  We will continue fishing for Blackfish  every day 7am to 3pm weather permitting until the season closes at the end of December.  There are usually white crabs available for purchase now. Green crabs are included for bait. There are a few spots left for Tommy’s BIG pool tog trip on 11/25 @ 6:30 am, you must reserve on line.

We have full moon Striped Bass fishing trips this Friday and Saturday evening at 8pm.  We use live eels for bait, please reserve online.

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