Alternatives to Boat Fishing in NYC During the Winter

In late December and early January in NYC, after the end of the season for most saltwater fish, the majority of fishing boats go up for the winter to await the return of migrating fish in the early spring. This can feel like a long time to wait for fishing.

Fortunately, there are many other fishing experiences in NYC that you can partake in throughout the winter to hold you over until you can get back out on the water.

Best Winter Time Fishing in NYC

The state of New York has a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fishing, including many options for the winter as well. If you are looking for some new fishing experiences to try this December and January, consider the following:

  • Surf Fishing – There are still there are several saltwater fish you can catch from shore or piers around NYC. Herring are one of the most active this time of year, often moving through the area in large schools for several weeks during the winter. Getting a herring run is one of the better winiter fishing experiences. Other fish you might catch in the surf include tommy cod and brown cod.
  • Lake and Pond Fishing – On milder days throughout the winter, lakes and ponds in parks throughout NYC can offer a chance to catch a few other freshwater fish.
  • Ice Fishing – Ice fishing is a popular New York winter pastime. You will have to travel upstate where you will find a wide range of ice fishing destinations on Lake Champlain, Lake Ontario, Fourth Lake, the St. Lawrence River, and more. 

If saltwater fishing is your preferred fishing option, it is also not too soon to start preparing for next season. Marilyn Jean Fishing will resume our fishing trips in late winter for mackerel, cod, blackfish, ling, and stripers. Purchase tickets on our online calendar so that you are ready to fish when the weather warms up.

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