2022 New Jersey and New York Fishing Update

2022 promises to be a good year for fishing off the New Jersey coast and in the waters around New York City aboard the Marilyn Jean. We are monitoring approaching fishing seasons to provide you with the best local fishing for the upcoming year and will continue to watch fish stocks, migratory patterns, and more so that we always have the most up to date information on the top fishing locations in Sheepshead Bay, Jamaica Bay, Rockaway Beach, Coney Island, Sandy Hook, and more locations along the New Jersey Shore.

But these are the details we can confirm so far about what to expect from fishing seasons in 2022 in NYC.

NYC Fishing Calendar for 2022

Fishing seasons can vary based on weather conditions, annual migrations, water temperatures, tides, and other factors. But in general these are the expected timelines for the upcoming 2022 fishing seasons:

  • Lingcod – We can catch lingcod all year long. The high season will be between February and April of 2022.
  • Blackfish – The first tautog season is between April 1 and April 30. The second season for 2022 occurs in the fall between October 15 and December 22.
  • Striped Bass – Striper season runs from April 15 to December 15th. Early spring and late fall will be the prime times of year to catch stripers.
  • Mackerel – Mackerel are available all year long with high times in the winter months if we are able to find a school of them.
  • Porgy – We are able to catch porgies between September 1 and October 31, 2022 when they are expected to be biting heavily.
  • Summer Flounder – The fluke fishing season runs May 4 to September 30. Fluke will likely be available throughout the season, although they might move to deeper waters.

Since it is still early in the year, it is not yet clear what fish stocks of these various species will look like during their open seasons, but we are focused on getting you to the heart of some of the best spots for each of the fish we catch. Additionally, keep an eye on our blog and social media for more updates on local saltwater fishing conditions in NYC.

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